Summer of NHibernate Session 13: Managing Session Lifecycle in a Stateless Web Application is available

After a bit of a delay (VSLive, my wedding anniversary, helping to launch the first meeting of the NYC ALT.NET user group, and a bit of a push for a project at work), I am pleased to announce that the next installment in the Summer of NHibernate Screencast series is now (finally!) available for immediate download.

In this installment we take a look at methods and patterns for managing the lifecycle of the NHibernate ISession object both within and across each HTTP request/response pair.  Understanding the techniques and approaches to managing this as well as comprehending the pros and cons of different strategies is essential for any non-trivial web application to scale properly while using NHibernate as its data-access-technology and so we spend some time digging into the mechanics of how all this can be made to work.

In this session we investigate and discuss the Session-per-Request pattern for times when the ISession needs to just live long enough to service a single page request and also the Session-per-Conversation pattern for times when a single ISession instance needs to be leveraged across multiple page requests in order to choreograph more complex interactions between the application and the database.

As always, comments and feedback are encouraged.