This may be a somewhat late-in-the-game post since its really been quite some time since the release of this thing, but I was just spending some time organizing some previously-downloaded files on my laptop and I stumbled across my copy of the Foundations of Programming E-Book by Karl Seguin.
Kindred Spirit
Every now and then in your career as a developer (or any other professional in a creative field for that matter), you stumble across someone or something that makes you go…
"That’s exactly what I always thought, but couldn’t possibly express it that well".
Karl’s book is just that item for me; in one 79-page well-organized and quite well-written document, Karl has managed to capture the ethos of the ALT.NET movement in re: our concerns, foci, values, and principles. Just as when I ‘discovered’ ALT.NET and said "these guys are trying to formalize and verbalize the values I’ve always believed in", Karl’s book does the same in a very approachable manner that is simple for the ALT.NET neophyte to grasp and can serve as a wonderful introduction to the principles and values that ALT.NET holds dear at the core of our professional beliefs.
So even though its been out for some time now, if you are one of the .NET developers who happened not to be aware of this book’s existence, I cannot recommend it highly enough. At free, you cannot quibble with its cost and at less than 80-pages in length, you can easily consume it in one sitting of about an hour.
I guarantee you will come away a better software developer for your time.
Thanks for the link.