In case you are interested in following along and couldn’t attend our recent January 2009 ALT.NET NYC user group meeting on Domain Driven Design, one of my fellow group organizers (Alex Hung) has just posted the full videos to VIMEO for general viewing.
In addition to our regular attendees, this time our group was also joined by semi-regular attendee Ayende Rahien (who was in town for a consulting gig) and Vladimir Gitlevich (who organizes the DDD NYC user group meetings). Both of them offered their own insights into the practice of DDD in various contexts and (as usual) a lively discussion/debate ensued.
A Lot Of Work Goes into These
If you have viewed any of the other videos from our past meetings from September, October, or November of last year, you may notice that this latest video capture actually includes significant panning and zooming in order to keep the camera following the ‘action’ from speaker to speaker as the discussion ensues.
This effort is solely the work of Alex who graciously spent the entire meeting trying to ensure that the quality of the video was the best possible so that others who cannot attend the meetings can still benefit from the content, even if only passively by watching after the fact. Sadly, this meant that he couldn’t really spend much time contributing to the conversation on the topic 🙁
Once all the video is captured, an incredible amount of post-processing is needed to clean up the audio, slice and dice the content into smaller units for posting, and then upload each to the VIMEO site. For some details, check out this post on his blog — its got some interesting detail of the overall process that he goes through each month to provide this content to the world.
Say Thanks
Since Alex is putting A LOT of work into these, if you find them to be of value, then drop by his blog and say a big thank you to him for his efforts or just post a thanks right here and I will direct his attention to this post.
Happy viewing~!
Alex — all your hard work is much appreciated! Thanks!
Really a lot of work goes there, thanks a lot for giving chance to others to follow the conversations.
ps : I tried to comment on Alex’s blog, but his blog is not responding.
Just checked the post on Alex’s blog that I linked to and your comment looks to be therel may be a delay in comment-posting on his side.
Sure he got the message; anytime someone puts in effort above-and-beyond the norm, I like to try to give them a shout-out for the effort and Alex sure fits into this category with his work on these videos for our group~!
-Steve B.
Really alex your hard work hard work is much appreciated! Thanks for sharing such a great post with us.