If its Thursday, it must be SOLID!
For those following along, the last installment of my DimeCasts.net contribution, Refactoring to a SOLID Foundation, has just been posted to the Dimecasts.net site.
In this final installment we investigate the Dependency Inversion Principle of S.O.L.I.D. as it applies to improving the flexibility and extensibility of our code sample.
The code sample for this installment can be downloaded here.
Happy viewing~!
Thanks a ton for letting me host these for you, they were great. Thanks,
No problem; I had a blast recording them.
Hopefully along the way a number of people discovered Dimecasts.NET as well as the rest of my content and are able to find value in both of the sources of information.
Glad to be able to contribute to the .NET learning ecosystem in even a small way!
-Steve B.
Thanks for the great series Steve !
If I may suggest a topic for a new DimeCasts episode: How about a short introduction to NDB(ohlen)Unit 😉
You mentioned that you were modifying Steve’s code in order to use StructureMap. Is that another episode in the making ?
Or maybe a episode about CodeRush (and/or other VS add-ins?
Thank you very much for making these casts. They are great. You are the best presentor. However, the watch and download links of screencast of Creating SOLID Code: Liskov Substitution Principle are broken in dimecasts.net. I cannot find other video any where from the web. I tried to post comments on dimecasts.net to tell them the links are broken, however, my message showed up empty. Can you let them know the missing video problem? Or where can I find the missing video? Again, thank you for yoru great works! I appeatiate it.
same as lynda – great screen casts, but cannot get the “LSP” video. I tried sending an email to the listed address on dimecasts, but the email just bounced back as undeliverable.
@lynda @angryrant:
I’ve just become aware of this issue and will post a replacement copy here tonight. Also, I’ve access directly to the person that hosts dimecasts.net and can try to communicate this issue to him out-of-band to see if he can correct the error issue with the download.
Thanks for letting me know.
-Steve B.
@lynda @angryrant:
Its taken some time, but it looks as if I was (eventually) successful at getting Dimecasts.net to correct this issue so all should be A-OK again for the erroneous download/view links there.
-Steve B.