I just completed spending my Saturday at the Philadelphia-area .NET CodeCamp 2009.2 event (I actually have to say ‘2009.2’ because this event apparently happens at least two or three times each year, as hard as it is for me to believe that they put all that energy into planning/executing it more than once a year).
I did my Refactoring To A SOLID Foundation talk and although its a lot of content to jam into a 1h20m session, I think it came off well for the most-part.
For those interested, the content can be downloaded as follows…
- Powerpoint Slide Deck
- Initial, unfactored code sample
- Intermediate code sample, forming the basis for the ISP refactoring
- Final solution as refactored
I had a great time at the event, I hope the attendees were able to find value in the content, and I hope they invite me back again next time~!
As always, happy coding and enjoy the content~!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Steve Bohlen and phillyaltnet, johnvpetersen. johnvpetersen said: RT code and slide deck from 'Refactoring to a SOLID Foundation' talk at #phillycc are posted here: http://bit.ly/3Silze (via @sbohlen) […]
Steve ,
I thoroughly enjoyed your session on S.O.L.I.D refactoring. Thanks a lot.
[…] You can find Steve’s presentation here. […]