Technical Screencast Considerations
I have received a significant amount of feedback on the content in the Summer of NHibernate screencast series that I have been producing and let me say a quick ‘thank […]
I have received a significant amount of feedback on the content in the Summer of NHibernate screencast series that I have been producing and let me say a quick ‘thank […]
I’m happy to announce that the next installment in the Summer of NHibernate screencast series is now available for general download from the main Summer of NHibernate site. This session […]
Building APIs that provide a so-called fluent interface seems to be all the rage right now in .NET development and I will be the first to step up and agree […]
I’m happy to announce that the next installment of the Summer of NHibernate screencast series is now available for general download. In this session we… dig into NHibernate’s support for […]
As anyone who knows me is well-aware, I am a confirmed tool-addict. If there is a utility, framework, add-in, add-on, or plug-in I want to have read about it, tried […]
I have just posted the 5th installment in the Summer of NHibernate screencast series for general download. This latest session covers the following main topics: Controlling Transactions in NHibernate (including […]
This post is about catching up on some outstanding items that I wanted to respond to based on feedback I have received from various members of the community in connection […]
A few people have pointed out that the code samples that I had been providing with the prior sessions when they were released were no longer to be found on […]
After a slight delay to give myself time to properly setup some of the infrastructure needed to better distribute these screencasts to everyone, I am pleased to announce the immediate […]
Most readers will be pleased to learn that I believe I have now finally resolved the distribution method for the Summer of NHibernate screencast video series content. To make the […]