Most readers will be pleased to learn that I believe I have now finally resolved the distribution method for the Summer of NHibernate screencast video series content. To make the content more accessible and better organized, I have moved it to its own domain at
This will allow me to provide single links to each screencast session in its entirety instead of having to use multi-part ZIP files to divide each session into small enough pieces that my previous content-hosting choices could accommodate them and this should make it much simpler and less painful for everyone to download the content.
There is a downside, however…
Sadly, there is no such thing as a free lunch so while I have gone to reasonable lengths to make this content more easily accessible to everyone, this was achieved by abandoning once and for all one of my core constraints in looking for ways to distribute this content: previously, my solutions needed to be free. Under this new approach, I am now paying for the monthly hosting space and bandwidth myself out of my own pocket.
I am very interested in making the content available for the community but there are some practical limits to what I can afford on my own to fund this effort. To help address these costs, I am providing a PayPal-enabled ‘donate’ button on my blog as well as on the homepage that can be used to make a donation to help cover my hosting and bandwidth costs. You can read more about it here: Summer of NHibernate.
Please Consider donating something
If you are someone who finds the Summer Of NHibernate content to be of value, then I would urge you to consider making even a small donation to help defray my costs in this ($1, $5, $10?) — the distribution costs are a very real expense to me and anything that anyone can do to help mitigate those costs would be very much appreciated and help to improve the viability of what I’m trying to do here.
Thus far, the download rates for the first three sessions of the series (even with the annoyances of downloading multi-part ZIP files) have been very encouraging — well over 150 individuals downloaded each of the sessions and this speaks to a high level of interest in the community for this content. If even a small percentage of these people would consider making a donation, it would go a long way to making this endeavor more economically feasible for me.
Otherwise, enjoy the easier access to the content and look for the next installment to be posted before the weekend is out.
[…] Comments steve b. on Summer of NHibernateKrzysztof Koźmic on Summer of NHibernateUnhandled Exceptions » Blog Archive » Summer of NHibernate website launched! on Summer of […]
Have you considered hosting torrents like Ayende has done with his hibernating rhino series? That seems to me a great way for the community to contribute bandwidth =)
Thanks for the suggestion; I am indeed investigating the viability of this approach as we speak (type?). I’m expecting that my setting that up is going to be a project for my next weekend when I get a sec to catch my breath (little crazy @ work this week as we have some new hires that are coming aboard).
[…] Update: As mentioned here, all content has been moved to the Summer of NHibernate Web […]
[…] » Summer of NHibernate Session 01: Setup and Basic Usage Pattern Screencast is Available on Summer of NHibernate website launched!steve b. on Summer of NHibernate Session 04 Screencast is AvailableSaurabh Khurana on Summer of […]
[…] Summer of NHibernate Session 02: Exploring Query Methods and Syntaxes Screencast is Available on Summer of NHibernate website launched!Unhandled Exceptions » Blog Archive » Summer of NHibernate Session 01: Setup and Basic […]
is there any information about this in other languages, maybe german or other else?
Sorry, these videos (of course) are in english only and I’m not aware of any NHibernate resources in other languages. You might try asking in one of the user groups/forums listed on the lefthand side of my site to see if members of some of the rest of the community might be better able to help you.