I applogize for this, but I have just been made aware that the video of Session 13 that I uploaded last evening is truncated near its end. I have inspected the wmv file and confirmed this to be the case.
I will upload a re-encoded version of the wmv file this evening; sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. Since I’ve never had any issues with CAMTASIA doing anything like this in the past, I never really checked the wmv output file for more than the first few minutes of it once it was encoded.
They call 13 the unlucky number for a reason I guess 😉
I was thinking the exact same thing as I was typing this post 🙁
Ah, so that explains why it stopped all of a sudden! 🙁
Coincidentally, I just happened to click on the video (at the very second it stopped) to see how much was left (it is late at this side of the pond), so I thought I’d done something wrong at first… it was only when I replayed it that I realised something was actually wrong! (then I saw this post)
Perhaps it would be worth taking the other video offline whilst you upload the new one, just to save bandwidth – Those that are saving/keeping the videos might appreciate it, and I guess you might too when you get the bandwidth bill! 🙂
Incidentally, I noticed earlier on that the download manager addon that I use for Firefox was only using one connection (normally it uses several as it downloads chunks that get combined later on). It wasn’t really an issue for me, except that I noticed the download timed-out or something at one point, and rather than resuming, it just started again, which made me wonder if the “problem” is that where ever the files are being hosted doesn’t allow/support resuming? (I guess that might not be so friendly for streaming the video either)
On a kind of unrelated note, I never noticed the CAPTCHA when attempting to post the previous comment, at least not until after clicking the “submit comment” button, which correctly brought the omission to my attention.
Note: I’m not sure why I never noticed the CAPTCHA, as it is pretty big – Maybe I assumed it was an advert and ignored it!
Anyway, the reason I mention it is that my comment vanished, so presumably it wasn’t round-tripped in the post-back/response – Fortunately pressing back in the browser recovered my comment!
Re: taking the other video down from the site, the replacement is perhaps only an hour away from encoding = done and so there’s not much point right now. Sadly, when it was brought to my attention I was at a client’s office where there really wasn’t any simple way to edit the website content to disable the link so I left it (not the best of choices, but there wasn’t really much I could do until I got home and some am encoding the video as we speak (type).
Re: the CAPTCHA, its relatively new and does have the annoying side-effect of clobbering your comment if you get it wrong (unless you do the back-button trick as you noticed) but its the best WordPress add-in I could find and its literally cut my comment-spam by like 99%.
Since I added the CAPTCHA to the blog about two weeks ago I have rec’d exactly ONE spam post and I used to get somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30 a day at a minimum so the annoyance (to you!) is worth it (to me!) 🙂 If anyone wants to recommend an alt CAPTCHA for WordPress 2.5 or later that’s A) free and B) less annoying than this one, I’m all ears (eyes).
New video will be announced on the blog soon as its encoded and uploaded (sorry to you and all others for the nuisance).
Re: The Video – Have you noticed similar issues with resuming downloads? (if so, it may be worth investigating why)
Re: The CAPTCHA – I can definitely understand why it’s there, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the comment issue.
Can you change the look/feel of the CAPTCHA in any way? (I’ve never overlooked one previously, so perhaps there is something about its appearance/layout that makes it look like an advert)
Maybe just move the captcha above the submit button, I scroll down to add a comment.. but the captcha being below submit is off the screen. So I did the retry shuffle on the first comment also.
Thats a pretty good idea — I will give that a shot as soon as I get a breather.
Michael: It is above the submit button for me (in FF3).
Steve: The same download manager was using 4 chunks to get the repaired/reencoded episode 13, so presumably resuming is working now – I had noticed issues with your sites being slow the other day, but they seem fine again now too.
@James: So it is, I’m reading this in FF3 and thought steve had already moved it lol.