Thanks to all of you that attended my presentation on Inversion of Control fundamentals and implementations with Castle Windsor – I’m going to assume that since there were no questions at the end that I either did an amazingly clear job of presenting the topic or else nobody in attendance was all that interested in the first place and was only attending in hopes of winning the free laptop 🙂
If you were interested and following along, here are the slides and code samples for download if you want to play around with the working samples a bit…
Happy coding and we’ll hope to see everyone at next year’s NotAtPDC!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Steve Bohlen, Dario Quintana. Dario Quintana said: RT @sbohlen:my slides and code samples from my #notatpdc talk on IoC with Castle Windsor are available for download here: […]
Is a recording of the presentation gonna be made available ?
AFAIK, yes, but I don’t know the timeline for the posting of the videos for NotAtPDC. Once a recording of the presentation is available, I will post info re: that to this blog.
You can also follow @NotAtPDC on twitter or visit for updates on the general availability of the videos for this and other sessions.
-Steve B.