Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the NYC CodeCamp this morning! Even though I couldn’t get through my entire presentation/demo, the questions that came up made the digressions worthwhile for all, I hope.
As promised, here are the resources that made up the presentation materials…
- Powerpoint 2003-format of the slidedeck…
- Code Download (showing what would have happened if I’d completed the coding I’d planned)…
- Links to the tools collection used in the demonstration session
For more detail on Agile and related topics, attendees are encouraged to take a look at either of the two of my screencast series available for download at…
The links to the live-video of the delivery of the session and the screencast I recorded during that will be available as soon as I get back to somewhere that I have a higher-bandwidth connection than the Microsoft wi-fi here in the conference room.
Thanks again to everyone who attended the session!
It was quite disappointing that you were not able to complete your presentation due to time limit and some unusual lengthy queries.
I was really interested to get some more information about TDD (esp. later part of your slide). Now seems like I have to adjust with the power point slides.
But it was really nice to be part of your session!
I will likely re-record the entire screencast as I’d PLANNED to give it and then post that for download, so there WILL be an opportunity to see the entire thing in the way it was originally planned to have been delivered.
While its unfortunate that the questions and discussions somewhat sidetracked my intended delivery, I still think that for many in the room it was useful to be able to have that discussion. Since I will be posting a screencast of the original intended presentation, this way anyone who was there would be able to both have benefitted from the discussion AND get to see the whole thing as intended.
Thanks for coming out to see the presentation though!
I too was would have really enjoyed the second half on the presentation. Although I feel I made up for it talking with you in the Open Spaces.
Thanks again for your time and expertise with my CheeseMold application.
No problem — it was great to get the chance to sit with you for a spell and do a sort of impromptu code-review with you on the unit testing for your app (and I LOVE even the IDEA of working on a ‘CheeseMold’ application 😀 ).
I hope my comments were of some help to you — I remember when I was starting out with some of the same issues that you’re grappling with and I wish that I had someone to help guide me more (would have lead to less stumbling around in the dark on my part!).
I note that you joined the ALT.NET NYC meetup group — I look forward to seeing you at our next meeing on the 28th!
[…] a follow-up to my Test-Driven Development presentation at the 2009 NYC CodeCamp last weekend, I wanted to let everyone interested know that I have now […]
[…] Presentation Videos […]
[…] content from my own presentation from that site as its the same that’s already posted here and […]