NYC CodeCamp Presentation Content

Thanks to everyone who attended my talk at the NYC CodeCamp this morning!  Even though I couldn’t get through my entire presentation/demo, the questions that came up made the digressions worthwhile for all, I hope.

As promised, here are the resources that made up the presentation materials…

  • Powerpoint 2003-format of the slidedeck…

  • Code Download (showing what would have happened if I’d completed the coding I’d planned)…


  • Links to the tools collection used in the demonstration session

For more detail on Agile and related topics, attendees are encouraged to take a look at either of the two of my screencast series available for download at…

The links to the live-video of the delivery of the session and the screencast I recorded during that will be available as soon as I get back to somewhere that I have a higher-bandwidth connection than the Microsoft wi-fi here in the conference room.

Thanks again to everyone who attended the session!