Its that time again — Developer Express has just released their next quarterly installment of their suite of Visual Studio Productivity Add-Ins, running the gamut from the commercially-offered CodeRush and Refactor! Pro to the completely freeware CodeRushXpress. This means its also time for me to release the recompiled binary of the CR_ClassCleaner open source DXCore add-in for re-organizing your entire class file with a single keystroke, recompiled to function properly against the latest DXCore update.
Regular readers of my blog will recall that while I have absolutely no connection to the actual ClassCleaner project on Codeplex, I am a huge believer in the benefit it provides of not making me worry a bit about where I place members in a class file as I’m coding my way through the development process. Disappointingly, each time Developer Express issues an update to the DXCore engine that underlies their Visual Studio add-ins, the former build of ClassCleaner ceases to work until recompiled against their updated binaries. Because I have to do it anyway, I always rebuild the ClassCleaner plug-in binaries myself and because I’m such a great guy I also always make this updated binary available to anyone else who’s interested.
So without further ado, here is the updated CR_ClassCleaner binary recompiled against DXCore 2009.1.5.
Reminder to Check out CodeRushXpress
BTW, even if you aren’t a commercial customer of CodeRush and/or Refactor! Pro, you really owe it to yourself to go download the completely freeware CodeRushXpress add-in for Visual Studio from Developer Express. If you are coding professionally (or, frankly, even as a hobby) and you value your own time at all, you’re literally stealing from your employer, your client, or even yourself if you’re coding in Visual Studio without some kind of refactoring tool.
For 100% free, you can’t beat the value proposition that CodeRushXpress provides; for more details, check out this recent blog post from Mark Miller where he explains some details about what’s available for 100% free with the CodeRushXpress product — its really amazing that this can be had FOR NO MONEY AT ALL: CodeRush Xpress for C# and Visual Basic inside Visual Studio 2008
As always, happy coding~!
[…] more: ClassCleaner updated for CodeRush/Refactor! Pro/DxCore/CodeRushXpress 2009.1.5 VN:F [1.4.4_707]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes […]
I’ve got the CodeRushXpress installed. I’ve now downloaded your recompiled version of class cleaner. I’ve dropped the dll into C:\Program Files\DevExpress 2009.2\IDETools\System\DXCore\BIN\PLUGINS. I’ve then opened up visual studio (no devexpress menu now?) so I used the shortcut keys (chift + ctrl + alt + o) to get to the options menu. Here I try to configure the shortcuts but the options for class cleaning are NOT showing in the command drop down menu. Can you help?
A few things…
Ensure that the version of CodeRushXpress *exactly* matches the build of the ClassCleaner DLL that you have (e.g., CodeRushXpress 2009.2.4 needs the ClassCleaner dll compiled for 2009.2.4; you cannot use just any-old 2009.x set of these with each other — the versions of both much match exactly). What version of the ClassCleaner and CodeRushXpress combination are you using?
You have posted this question as a comment to my post about the 2009.1.5 build of these tools but the latest of both is is presently 2009.2.6 so if you have the latest CodeRushXpress installed (2009.2.6), the download from this page will definitely NOT work with that. Instead you need the 2009.2.6-compatible version (which can be found here: ).
Next, note that the commands to apply ClassCleaner don’t appear in the commands list of the DevExpress Options dialog as ‘ClassCleaner’ but are instead listed as ‘OrganizeWORegions’ and ‘OrganizeWithRegions’ so look for either or both of those. Assuming you have properly matched the versions of both tools, these commands should appear for you to bind a shortcut key to.
Lastly, the practice of placing third-party plugin assemblies into the c:\program files\DevExpress\… folders has been deprecated for some time now in the current/latest version of the tools (to avoid collisions between third-party plugins and those distrubuted with the actual products themselves. Instead, third-party plugins should now be placed in a folder under your ‘my documents’ folder that looks like this:
\DevExpress\IDE Tools\Community\PlugIns
FWIW, the ClassCleaner assembly *should* still be detected and loaded automatically from the location you placed it in under c:\program files\DevExpress\… but you should avoid using this location as an ‘installation’ location for non-DevExpress-provided plugins in the future.
Let me know if any of this helps.
-Steve B.