DXCore/CodeRush/Refactor!Pro Plugins updated for DXCore 10.1.3 RC2

I’ve really been trying to hold off on bothering to release updated binaries of several of my Visual Studio plugins until the next release of the underlying DexExpress platform (DXCore, etc.) reaches RTM.  Just about every Beta, RC, etc. release invalidates the prior binaries of my plugins and requires a recompilation before they will work again and with a new pre-RTM release becoming available just about every 3-5 days, its more work than its worth to continue to build these and post them for download in keeping with that frequency.

That said, since DevExpress had promised a final RTM of DXCore/CodeRush/Refactor!Pro by the end of April (and its already May 5th without an RTM), I’m giving up on waiting and providing a single download containing DXCore 10.1.3 (what DevExpress calls ‘RC2’ of DXCore 10.1) –compatible builds of the following tools for anyone who cannot wait any longer:

  • DX SourceOutliner
  • CR_ClassCleaner
  • Refactor_ClassCleaner_Menu (the extension to classlcleaner that adds it to the refactor pro context menu)

You can download all of these in a single ZIP file from here.

Once the final RTM of DXCore/CodeRush/Refactor!Pro 10.1 is released, I will post updated versions of the same binaries once the platform is stable.